The Benefits of Community Energy

Community Energy has the potential to produce significant benefits

Community energy presents an opportunity for us to tackle challenges.

Contributing to the sustainability of communities in Northern Ireland

Given that many local communities in both urban and rural settings face many difficulties particularly in the current economic climate, community energy therefore presents an opportunity to help tackle these challenges. This approach can help to contribute to economic growth; provide a long term source of income for communities; and help to tackle fuel poverty and reduce energy bills.

Community energy can become an integral part of energy development in Northern Ireland. Community energy has the ability to:

  • Generate a long-term sustainable income for communities;

  • Help to empower and give autonomy to local people;

  • Help to strengthen communities and help to tackle pressing local issues such as fuel poverty and help to raise energy awareness;

  • Save communities money on their energy bills;

  • Strengthen communities and provide greater community cohesion and resilience;

  • Help to tackle climate change;

  • Contribute to the local economy;

  • Allows energy to be generated locally and enables people to have greater control over their energy supply.

Community Energy: Unleashing the Potential for Communities to Power Change